January Employee Spotlight: Gerald Eele

Gerald Eele started in the parts department over 18 years ago and today works as a Machine Operator and cuts steel.

Why did you choose this line of work?

I worked at Omaha Steel for seven years before applying at MECO. I just happened to be walking by MECO’s old location on Cuming Street and saw they had openings, so I applied and got the job.

What advice would you give a new employee:

Do your job and try to make sure you do it right.

Outside interests:

I enjoy watching bowling and football on TV; I used to bowl.

What is your favorite thing about Omaha or favorite place in Omaha?

Some of my old favorite places would be Sunset Speedway on McKinley and Peony Park; my parents used to take us to Peony Park when we were kids.

What is your favorite food?

Fried chicken and BBQ ribs.


February Employee Spotlight: Steve Bohm


December Employee Spotlight: James Brown